Monday, January 24, 2011

Welcome to the 2011 Season!

The season is starting! Here is a do to list from Jessica and the parents reps:
Get registered with the ULA and renew your USlacrosse membership:
BRING YOUR PAPERWORK!! SIGNED. Player contract, Parent contract, Medical release form!!
You can find these on the utahlax web site or our blog.

Bring your team fee ($200) to practice on Monday or to our team dinner on Tuesday night. Please give to Lilly Sybrant, or Rachel Diederich. You can also mail your team fee to:
Nancy Janes 1389 Harvard Ave 84105
Our home address for the team dinner is: 4636 S. Sycamore Drive

PRACTICE starts on Monday the 24th! 3:30 to 5:00. Jessica says your going to be sore if you have not started conditioning on your own. :D
Practice will be held at the old Hillview elemertary school: 4405 South 1025 East until further notice. You can park in the church parking which is located off 1100 East and walk through the cat walk. If you choose to park @ the school please park over by the bus area, against the East fence.

We will have uniform samples for new players and new warm-up samples at our house on Tuesday night for those of you who will be wanting the new warm-ups. ($110). Remember the new warm-ups are optional, you can still use the Under Armour from last year. Uniforms for the new players are included in our team fee's this year. IF you need a replacement uniform you will have to pay to replace it at our cost.
We should also have the ORDERED and PAID for hoodies there to pick up too.

The Best of the West Lacrosse tournament is the first weekend in March. This is usually a varsity trip. The cost is $160 this year.

Gathering of the Tribes Tournament will be very volunteer oriented. This tournament takes place the 18th and 19th. We will need EVERY family to help out PLEASE. This is going to be a big benefit to our club and the lacrosse community.

AND for those of you who have done all of this "stuff" sending in your team fee, reg, ect. thank you!

Please forward this information to anyone who wants to be on our team and may not be on the ever increasing e-mail list AND last but not least if you are on this e-mail list twice or do not want to be on it at all... please e-mail me back..
Thank you all for your patience and help.

Emily Sybrant

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