Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2011 Olympus Lacrosse Players!

The lacrosse season is quickly approaching, and we can’t tell you how excited we are for it. We had a very successful season last year and we really feel that this season can be a special one. We want all of you to catch the vision of what we have a chance to accomplish this year! If we dedicate ourselves and work hard, there is no reason that this season can’t be even more successful than last season.

Please start preparing for the season NOW. We expect you to be ready to hit the ground running when team conditioning starts. It is so important that you come to conditioning already in shape. Start working out right now so that you don't struggle the first week. Here are some ideas for workouts that you can do between now and the start of conditioning:

1. Go Running. There is not a substitute for running. I know it may not be the most fun activity but you can do things to make it fun.

2. Jog for 1 minute then run fast for 1 minute. Do at least 5 sets of these.

3. Jog until you get to a light pole or a tree then run fast to the next tree.

4. Time your mile (4 laps around a track). Remember 8:30 minutes is required for Varsity.

5. Do push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, suicides, etc.

6. Do sprinting drills (make sure you warm up and stretch very well especially if you are sprinting outside in the cold weather).

If you are not working out at least 3 or 4 days a week between now and the start of conditioning...believe me, you are going to regret it and be very sore the first week. If you need any specific ideas for workouts, contact Coach Jessica or Coach Andrew and we can help customize a workout plan for you.

Also, make sure you are brushing up on your lacrosse skills. Here are some things you should do between now and the start of conditioning.

1. Start working on your wall/ball (we have posted a routine from US Lacrosse on the side of the blog to give you some ideas)

2. Get together with a teammate and pass the ball or shoot

3. Work on Ground balls

4. Go over plays and rules from last year

We are excited for our practices to get underway! Due to coaches Andrew and Jessica going back to the U.S. Lacrosse Convention in the middle of January, we will not be starting conditioning until Monday January 24th. Please see the attached calendar for practice information, tryout dates, etc. The practice calendar is posted on the side of the blog.

We have also attached a reminder of what you need to do in order to play. This will also be available on the side of the website.

Please get this information out to anyone who may want to play with us this year!

Order your eyewear now, and have mouth guards ready for our first day of practice. You will not be allowed to play if you do not have both your mouth guard and your eyewear with you. We don't want anyone getting hurt. There are 2 main stores to get lacrosse equipment in the state:

Also, keep in mind that you can use fundraising money to pay for our team fees, Las Vegas, and Spirit Gear. Get your fundraising done now! Fundraising paperwork and season paperwork are available on our website!

See you soon!

Coach Jessica and Coach Andrew

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